



Effect of Projecting Slab Length on Flutter Stability of Steel Truss Girder

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    基于数值模拟方法研究挑臂长度对钢桁梁悬索桥的颤振稳定性影响. 通过风洞试验测试不同攻角下某悬索桥钢桁梁原设计断面(挑臂长度L为0.947 m)的颤振稳定性,并与CFD结果对比,验证了数值方法的可靠性. 然后对同一折减风速下单个周期气动力输入的能量值大小以及流场的演变规律进行研究,得到不同的挑臂长度(0.0L, 0.5L, 1.0L, 1.5L)对钢桁梁颤振稳定性的影响. 结果表明:正攻角下,挑臂长度对钢桁梁的颤振稳定性影响不明显,而0°攻角及负攻角下,挑臂长度为1.5L的钢桁梁断面颤振稳定性显著优于其他工况. 0°攻角钢桁梁上表面旋涡的运动导致的压强变化以及下表面迎风侧压力值的变化成为气动力的主导因素,气动力方向与钢桁梁运动方向相同,促进扭转振动发散,而增大挑臂的长度削弱了上表面旋涡的尺度,并在挑臂处形成了强度大小相对稳定的压强区. 负攻角钢桁梁上表面无明显旋涡,下表面旋涡的演变及压力变化成为颤振发散的主导因素,增加挑臂能削弱下表面旋涡的尺度和强度,并在迎风侧挑臂的下表面处持续形成稳定的负压区,气动力输入的能量值为负.


    Based on the numerical simulation method, the influence of projecting slab length on flutter stability of steel truss girder suspension bridge is studied. The flutter stability of the initial design girder (projecting slab length L is 0.947 m) at different attack angles for the originally designed section of some suspension bridge steel truss girder was tested by wind tunnel test, and the results were compared with that of CFD to verify the reliability of the numerical method. Based on the study on the input energy value of aerodynamic force in a single period and the evolution of flow field under the same reduced wind speed, the influence of projecting slab length (0.0L, 0.5L, 1.0L, and 1.5L) on the flutter stability of steel truss girder is obtained. The results show that the influence of projecting slab length on the flutter stability of steel truss girder is not obvious at the positive attack angle, but the flutter stability of steel truss girder with a 1.5L projecting slab is significantly better than other conditions at 0° and negative attack angle. The change of pressure caused by the movement of the vortices on the upper surface and the change of the pressure on the windward side of the lower surface at 0°attack angle become the dominant factors of the aerodynamic force. The direction of the aerodynamic force is consistent with that of the steel truss girder, which promotes the divergence of torsional vibration. However, increasing the length of the projecting slab weakens the scale of the vortices on the upper surface, and forms a relatively stable pressure region at the projecting slab. There is no obvious vortex on the upper surface at negative attack angle steel truss, and the evolution of vortices on the lower surface and pressure change become the dominant factors of flutter divergence. Increasing the cantilever arm can weaken the scale and intensity of the vortex on the lower surface, and continuously form a stable negative pressure zone on the lower surface of the windward cantilever arm. The energy input of aerodynamic force is negative.

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董国朝 ,许育升 ,韩艳 ?,李凯 ,李春光 ,蔡春声 .挑臂长度对钢桁梁颤振稳定性的影响[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2023,(3):132~142

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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-04-13
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