(1.College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan Univ, Changsha, Hunan 410082,China; 2.College of Science, National Univ of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, China) 在知网中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
A supply chain network equilibrium problem with correlative multi-commodity with random demand was investigated,and multi-commodity with mixed transportation and uncertainty of market demand were considered.A stochastic supply chain network equilibrium model with mixed transportation of multi-commodity was proposed, and cross transportation costs and fines on the impact of supply chain network was analyzed.A projection and contraction method was applied to solve the proposed supply chain model.It is provedd to be convergent to the solution of the stochastic supply chain network equilibrium model.A numerical practical example shows that the model and the method are effective.It also shows that the projection and contraction algorithm is better than modified projection method and quasi-Newton method in solving the supply chain network equilibrium model.