基于饱和沉淀Ca(DBS)2及结合 MBFGA1絮凝沉降去除罗丹明b

Removing Rhodamine b Based on Enhanced Precipitation of Calcium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate Combined with Microbial Flocculation GA1
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    通过提高溶液中十二烷基苯磺酸钙(Ca(DBS)2)沉淀的析出,结合微生物絮凝剂GA1(MBFGA1)对Ca(DBS)2的絮凝作用,将阳性染料罗丹明b(RB)从溶液中絮凝去除.在整个絮凝过程中,十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)增溶RB分子,然后在过量Ca2+的影响下,增溶了RB分子的Ca(DBS)2悬浮物充分析出,最后被MBFGA1絮凝沉淀.为了提高RB的去除效率,采用响应面分析法(RSM)对Ca2+、SDBS及MBFGA1初始浓度进行优化.实验结果表明,最优条件下(SDBS: 2.67 mmol/L、Ca2+: 5.61 mmol/L、MBFGA1: 4.34 mL/L),RB和SDBS去除率达到99.80% 和 90.03%,其出水COD值为89.69 mg/L,低于国家工业废水排放标准,无需进行后续处理.同时,采用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)来探讨RB的絮凝去除机理以及SDBS和Ca2+之间的相互作用.当Ca2+初始浓度相对SDBS初始浓度过量时,增溶RB分子的SDBS胶团(SDBS-RB胶团)会与Ca2+反应生成被RB分子附着的Ca(DBS)2颗粒(Ca(DBS)2-RB颗粒),最后 Ca(DBS)2颗粒被MBFGA1絮凝沉降;而当SDBS初始浓度相对Ca2+初始浓度过量时,Ca(DBS)2颗粒会逐渐复溶并生成大量的附着Ca2+的SDBS胶团.


    Cationic dye of rhodamine b(RB) was removed by the enhanced precipitation of calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate(Ca(DBS)2) from aqueous solution and the(Ca(DBS)2) particles were flocculated by microbial flocculant GA1. During this process, the sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate(SDBS) solubilized the RB molecular, and under the effect of excessive amount of Ca2+, the SDBS micelles and the RB containing calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate particles(CDBS-RB particles) were precipitated and finally flocculated by microbial flocculant GA1. The response surface methodology(RSM) was applied to optimize the reaction conditions including Ca2+ dosage, SDBS dosage and MBFGA1 dosage to increase the RB removal rate. When the initial concentration of RB was 50 mg/L and pH was 10, the optimal flocculation condition was SDBS dosage(2.67 mmol/L),Ca2+ dosage (5.61 mmol/L) and MBFGA1 dosage(4.34 mL/L). Under this optimal conditions, the RB and SDBS removal rate were 99.80% and 90.03%, and the effluent value of COD is 89.69mg/L,which was lower than the national emission standard and did not need subsequent processing. The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) analysis was used to explore the RB removal process and the reaction mechanism between Ca2+ and SDBS. In addition, when Ca2+ dosage was enough compared with SDBS dosage, the SDBS micelles containing RB molecular (SDBS-RB micelles) could assemble and shift to the formation of CDBS-RB particles. Finally, the CDBS-RB particles were flocculated by MBFGA1;When SDBS dosage was relatively excessive, the SDBS micelles could form in the solution and CDBS-RB particles could redissolve gradually in order to provide Ca2+ for the SDBS micelles.

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杨朝晖?覮,龚家宽 ,曾光明,徐锐,黄兢, 熊炜平,徐海音 ,张燕茹 ,Kito Ahmad .基于饱和沉淀Ca(DBS)2及结合 MBFGA1絮凝沉降去除罗丹明b[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2018,45(12):149~156

  • 在线发布日期: 2019-01-11