
Identifying Transverse Position of Vehicular Wheel on Orthotropic Steel Decks
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    车辆经过正交异性钢桥面(Orthotropic Steel Deck,OSD)时的车轮横向位置对其疲劳细节分析以及桥梁动态称重系统(Bridge Weigh-In-Motion,BWIM)识别精度至关重要. 针对OSD桥梁局部荷载效应显著的特性,提出了基于BWIM系统中传感器所采集的响应信号来识别过桥车辆横向位置的有效方法. 首先,建立OSD桥梁的有限元模型,并通过标定试验进行验证,然后提取其纵肋横向分布影响线 . 最后,基于横向分布影响线和最小二乘法,建立 OSD中 U肋理论与实测响应的误差方程. 为了验证该方法的准确性和适用性,建立了基于Ls-dyna的车桥耦合振动模型,探究了车辆状况(包括车辆速度、车轴数目和车轮横向位置)以及车轮与桥面接触面积的影响. 模拟分析表明,该算法识别精度对车辆状况的鲁棒性好,针对不同车辆速度、车轴数目和车轮横向位置,其识别精度最大平均误差分别为 9 mm、4.6 mm、12.5 mm,并明确了车轮与桥面接触宽度宜选择为200 mm. 在此基础上,开展实桥试验进一步验证该方法的有效性,结果表明,提出的方法能有效识别 OSD过桥车辆的横向位置,且识别精度较高,适用范围广.


    The lateral position of a passing vehicle crossing the Orthotropic Steel Deck (OSD) is crucial for both OSD bridge fatigue analysis and the Bridge Weigh-In-Motion (BWIM) system. In regard to the local salient effect of OSD bridges, an efficient method is proposed in this work that only uses the collected signals of sensors applied to the BWIM system to identify the lateral position of the passing vehicles. This method establishes the finite element model of OSDs, which can be verified during the calibration test in the BWIM system. The influence lines of girders are then extracted to form the error function between the theory responses and measurements. To verify the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method, the Ls-dyna-based vehicle and bridge interaction model is first built and analyzed.The effect of vehicle conditions (including the vehicle speed, the number of vehicle axles, and the different wheel lateral positions on the bridge) and wheel-to-bridge contact area on the recognition accuracy is investigated. The simulation analysis shows that the proposed method is not sensitive to vehicle conditions. For different vehicle speeds, the number of axles, the lateral position of the wheels, and the max average errors of the recognition accuracy are 9 mm, 4.6 mm, and 12.5 mm, respectively. In addition, it reveals that the suitable wheel-to-bridge contact area should be 200 mm. Then, a field bridge test is carried out in this paper to verify the effectiveness of this method. The field test results show that the proposed method has high accuracy in identifying the lateral position of the vehicle and has a wide range of applications.

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-04