
Effects of Dynamic Radiation Heat Transfer Environment on Human Physiological Characteristics and Thermal Response
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    为了探索辐射空调形式下温度突变对人体热舒适的影响,给控制调节辐射空调系统提供一定的参考,通过人工气候室营造偏凉-中性温度突变环境,开展了对流、辐射地板与辐射吊顶三种不同空调形式下,20名受试者的整体-局部主观热感觉、热舒适投票以及皮肤温度等生理参数随时间的变化研究 . 根据生理参数测量结果显示,突变到中性温度的辐射热环境中皮肤温度存在滞后现象且动态辐射热环境下人体交感神经表现得更为活跃;由主观问卷分析得出,动态辐射热环境下受试者舒适感及热愉悦感更佳,主观热感觉出现心理超前现象,其中动态辐射地板的优势更为突出;背部、小腿、足部对于瞬态热刺激最敏感,可用于热感觉预测. 最后,根据人体平均皮肤温度随时间变化规律,建立了基于修正的Knothe时间函数相关预测模型,量化了三种工况下人体生理调节的响应特性;根据人体平均皮肤温度及其变化率与平均热感觉的变化规律,建立了三种工况下的热感觉预测模型,简化了动态环境下人体热感觉预测的求解过程.


    In order to explore the impact of temperature step change on the thermal comfort of the human body under radiant air-conditioning mode and provide a certain reference for the control and adjustment of radiation airconditioning systems, this study explored the change law of total and local subjective thermal response, thermal comfort and skin temperature with time for 20 subjects under three different air conditioning modes (convection, radiant floor, and radiant ceiling), by creating a cool-neutral temperature step change in an artificial well-controlled climate chamber. The testing results of the above physiological parameters show that the skin temperature in the mutation to the radiant neutral environment exists a hysteresis, and human sympathetic nerves perform more actively in a dynamic radiant environment. Subjective questionnaire analysis shows that the subjects’comfort and thermal pleasure are better in the dynamic radiant heat environment, and subjective thermal sensations appear psychological advance ment, with more prominent advantages of the dynamic radiant floor; and the back, calves, and feet are the of the average skin temperature of the human body over time. A correlation model based on the Knothe function was established to quantify the response characteristics of human physiological adjustment under three conditions. Finally, according to the change law of the average skin temperature and its rate of change and the average thermal sensation, thermal sensation prediction models for three conditions are established, which simplify the solution of human thermal sensa?tion prediction in a dynamic environment.

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李念平 ,张稳 ,阿勇嘎 ,潘净婧.动态辐射热环境对人体生理与热反应的影响[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2022,49(9):203~214

  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-04