To meet the requirements of the outsourced concrete for the relevant project, C60 fine stone Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was prepared. The influencing mechanisms of water-binder ratio and anti-cracking agent on the workability, mechanical properties, volumetric deformation performance, and durability of fine stone SCC, such as resistance to sulfate erosion, chloride ion penetration, freeze-thaw, and carbonation, were investigated, and the performance change laws of fine stone concrete were also explored. The influence of different factors on the microstructure of concrete was investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) tests, and compared with the macroscopic properties. The results show that the water-binder ratio on the performance of fine stone concrete is similar to that of ordinary concrete. There is an optimum amount of anti-cracking agent, and the right amount of anti-cracking agent can generate Mg(OH)2 to fill matrix pores, which staggered grows with flocculent C-S-H and acicular AFt, improving the pore structure. It can also improve the mechanical properties and durability of fine stone concrete. However, when the dosage of the anti-cracking agent is too high, the compound erosion effect decreases the sulfate resistance of SCC, and the optimum content is 8%.