
Experimental Study on Shear Performance of Segmental Assembly Continuous Composite Box Girder with Variable Cross-section Corrugated Steel Webs
  • ZHAO Pin1,2,3,SHAO Xudong3†,RONG Xueliang1,2,LIU Xin4

    ZHAO Pin1,2,3,SHAO Xudong3†,RONG Xueliang1,2,LIU Xin4

    [1.Key Laboratory of Roads and Railway Engineering Safety Control (Shijiazhuang Tiedao University), Ministry of Education, Shijiazhuang 050043, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China; 3.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 4.Hebei Free Trade Zone Hancao Railway Co.,Ltd, Tangshan 063200, China]
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    为了研究节段预制拼装波形钢腹板连续组合箱梁的抗剪性能,制作两片缩尺试验梁,包括节段拼装变截面波形钢腹板连续箱梁和相同尺寸的整体浇筑变截面波形钢腹板连续箱梁. 通过静力试验和数值分析,得到了节段拼装梁的剪应力分布规律、波形钢腹板承剪比例等. 结果表明:在中跨对称加载作用下,中跨1/4位置处节段拼装梁与整体梁波形钢腹板的剪应力沿梁高方向均匀分布,节段拼装梁的剪应力值要大于整体梁的相应值. 推导出节段拼装变截面波形钢腹板组合箱梁的剪应力计算公式,并考虑施工工艺对剪应力的影响,通过与实测值对比验证公式的准确性. 两片试验梁的波形钢腹板的承剪比受荷载影响较小,保持一个恒定的比例;两片试验梁在中支座位置处的钢腹板承剪比均为50%,并沿着试验梁纵向方向向两侧不断增大;在中跨1/4位置,节段拼装梁钢腹板的承剪比达到85%以上,整体梁的钢腹板在该位置的承剪比在75%左右,两片试验梁在边跨相应位置承剪比相差不大. 将适用于节段拼装混凝土箱梁的AASHTO接缝抗剪强度计算公式乘0.9可用于接缝截面抗剪承载力计算;上述公式值与试验值、有限元结果的误差在5%左右,可以较好地预测钢混组合结构胶接缝的抗剪强度.


    To study the shear performance of segmental prefabricated continuous composite box girder with corrugated steel webs, two scaled test beams were made, including segmental continuous box girder with variable section corrugated steel webs and monolithic continuous box girder with variable section corrugated steel webs in the same size. Through static tests and numerical analyses, the distribution of shear stress and shear ratio of corrugated steel webs are obtained. The results show that the shear stress of the corrugated steel webs of the segmental and monolithic beams at 1/4 of the mid-span is evenly distributed along the beam height, and the shear stress value of the segmental beams is greater than that of the monolithic beams. The calculation formula of shear stress of segmental assembly box girder with variable section corrugated steel webs is derived, and the effect of construction technology on shear stress is considered. The shear ratio of corrugated steel webs of two test beams is less affected by the load and maintains a constant ratio. The shear ratio of the steel web of the two test beams at the position of the middle support is about 50%, and increases along the longitudinal direction of the test beam to both sides. At the position of 1/4 of the middle span, the shear ratio of the steel web of the segment-assembled beam reaches more than 85%, and the shear ratio of the steel web of the whole beam is about 75%. The shear ratio of the two testing beams at the corresponding position of the side span is not much different. The shear strength calculation formula of the AASHTO joint applicable to segmental concrete box girder multiplied by 0.9 can be applied to the calculation of the shear bearing capacity of the joint section. The error between the above formula value and the experimental value as well as with the finite element result is about 5 %. It can better predict the shear strength of steel-concrete composite structure adhesive joints.

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赵品 ,邵旭东 ?,荣学亮 ,刘鑫 .节段拼装变截面波形钢腹板连续组合箱梁的剪切性能试验研究[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2024,(3):170~181

  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-02