
Seismic Performance of Grouted Sleeve Fabricated RC Pier under Compression-bending-shearing-torsion Load
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    随着城市交通的快速发展,对其建设要求越来越高,城市桥梁主要为匝道桥、斜交桥等非规则桥梁.为得到压弯剪扭等复合地震作用下装配式墩的损伤机理和滞回特性,进行了灌浆套筒连接(Grouting Sleeve,GS)、灌浆套筒和钢管混凝土剪力键组合连接(Grouting Sleeve and Steel-tube,GSS)装配式墩和钢筋混凝土现浇(Reinforced Concrete,RC)墩等三种桥墩在压弯剪扭复合作用下的拟静力试验.结合现有混凝土结构设计规范计算剪扭相关曲线,并与试验结果进行对比,分析装配式墩复合荷载作用下的剪扭承载能力.结果表明:GS构件与RC构件以压弯扭破坏为主,而插入钢管剪力键的GSS构件则发生塑性铰上移,呈现出剪扭破坏的特征.GS构件和RC构件具有较好的弯曲耗能能力,增加钢管剪力键的GSS构件则可以提升抗弯承载力.装配式墩接头导致其整体性较弱,GS构件和GSS构件抗扭承载力小于RC构件.各构件在复合荷载作用下的剪扭相关关系接近规范中的1/4圆理论曲线,研究结果可以为灌浆套筒连接装配式墩在压弯剪扭复合作用下的抗震性能分析提供参考.


    With the rapid development of urban transportation, its construction requirements are increasingly high, urban bridges are mainly ramp bridges, ramps and other non-regular bridges. In order to obtain the damage mechanism and hysteresis characteristics of the fabricated pier under the combined seismic action of compression-bending- shearing-torsion, the quasi-static test for three types of bridge piers including prefabricated piers with grouting sleeves(GS), prefabricated piers with grouting sleeve and concrete-filled steel tube(GSS) and cast-in-place reinforced concrete (RC) pier subjected to combined loads was carried out. Combining the shearing-torsion correlation curve in the existing code for design of concrete structures, the shearing and torsion load capacity of the fabricated pier under the combined load was analyzed and compared with the test results. The results show that the GS specimen and RC specimen are dominated by compression bending and torsion damage, while the GSS specimen with inserted steel tube shear keys undergo plastic hinge uplift and exhibit shear torsion damage. GS and RC specimens have better bending energy dissipation capacity, while GSS specimen with the steel tube shear key has a larger bending capacity. The assembled pier joints resulted in weaker integrity, and the torsional load capacity of the GS and GSS specimens were less than that of the RC specimen. The shear torsion correlation of each specimen under combined load is close to the quarter-circle theoretical curve in the specification. The research results can provide a reference for the seismic performance analysis of fabricated piers with grouting sleeves under the combined action of compression-bending-shearing-torsion.

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林友勤 ,赖仕永 ,夏樟华 ?,王达荣 .压弯剪扭复合作用下灌浆套筒装配式RC墩的抗震性能[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2024,(3):182~192

  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-02