
Mechanical Analysis on Joint Section of PC and Steel-UHPC Hybrid Continuous Girder Bridges
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    针对连续箱梁桥因自重过大导致开裂严重的工程难题,提出了一种PC梁(Prestressed Concrete,PC)与钢-UHPC(Ultra-High Performance Concrete, UHPC)组合梁结合的新型混合式连续梁桥. 为探明新型桥梁中UHPC层的受力特性及其对钢-混结合段传力机理的影响,以滨州黄河大桥为工程背景,首先建立了Midas整体计算模型,获得了结构在承载能力极限状态下的内力,然后采用ANSYS分别建立了无UHPC层和有UHPC层两种构造的钢-混结合段有限元局部模型,对比了两个构造结合段的受力特点及传力机理,分析了UHPC层的受力特性. 计算结果表明:1)除了部分应力集中区域外,新型结构各部分应力均低于强度设计值,满足设计要求;2)最不利弯矩作用下,新型结构的钢箱梁顶板最大拉应力得到显著降低,可显著延长钢结构的疲劳寿命;3)新型结构的混凝土梁顶板在交界面处的应力下降了约5%~29%,可改善混凝土开裂现象;4)UHPC层的最大拉应力和压应力均低于其设计强度,满足规范要求,且UHPC层能分担4%~10.9%的结合段截面弯矩.


    In order to solve the engineering problem of continuous box girder bridges with severe cracking due to excessive self-weight, a combined PC and steel-UHPC composite beam continuous hybrid girder bridge is proposed. To investigate the mechanical properties of the UHPC layer in the new type of bridge as well as its effect on the force transfer mechanism of the joint section of steel-UHPC composite girder, a Midas integral FE model was established to obtain the internal force of the structure under the design load effect, taking Binzhou Yellow River Bridge in Shandong Province as the engineering background. Meanwhile, two FE sub-models of the joint section of the steel-UHPC composite girder with and without UHPC layer were established by using ANSYS, respectively. The differences between the two models in the force performance and load transfer mechanism of the steel-concrete joint section were compared, and the mechanical properties of the UHPC layer were analyzed. The FE results show that: 1) Except for some stress concentration areas, the stresses in all parts of the new structure are lower than the strength design value, meeting the design requirements; 2) Under the most unfavorable bending moment, the maximum tensile stress of the top plate of the new structure’s steel box girder is significantly reduced, which can significantly improve the fatigue life of the steel structure; 3) The stress at the interface of the top plate of the new structural concrete beam is decreased by about 5%~29%, which can improve the cracking resistance; 4) The maximum tensile and compressive stresses of the UHPC layer are lower than their design strength, meeting the design requirements, and the UHPC layer can share 4%~10.9% of the bending moment of the joint section.

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邵旭东 ,熊满华 ?,怀臣子 ,莫然 ,杨纪 . PC与钢-UHPC混合式连续梁桥结合段受力分析[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2024,(11):126~137

  • 在线发布日期: 2024-12-05