
Analysis of Tunnel-type Anchorage Bearing Performance and Sensitivity of Influencing Factors under Dynamic Load
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    为了更加合理地评价悬索桥隧道式锚碇的承载能力,探究隧道锚在动荷载作用下的失效过程,借助有限差分软件建立数值模型,提取并分析接触面应力应变分布形式,并与静力作用下结果进行对比,建立不同工况研究锚塞体参数与动荷载参数对承载力的影响.研究结果表明,动荷载作用下,锚岩接触面应力与位移分布形式与静载类似,但幅值与增长速率明显大于静载状态,拱顶方向和右拱脚向位移增加幅度分别达到36%和112%,且二者在7倍静力荷载幅值作用下,达到其位移差异变化的“门槛值”0.30 mm;动荷载作用下,隧道锚的极限承载力随着锚塞体扩展角、长度以及间距的增加均有所增加,其几何参数敏感性排序由高到低为锚塞体长度、锚塞体扩展角、锚塞体间距,动荷载频率对承载力的影响较小,动荷载作用下隧道锚极限承载力出现明显降低,平均降低幅度约为21%.动荷载作用下隧道锚承载性能及影响因素的敏感性分析为实际工程中隧道锚极限承载力的优化设计提供了参考.


    To more reasonably evaluate the bearing capacity of the suspension bridge tunnel-type anchorage (TTA) and explore the failure process of these TTAs under dynamic loads, a numerical model is established using finite difference software. This involves extracting and analyzing the forms of stress and strain distribution on the contact surfaces and comparing them with results obtained under static loads. The research is further extended to establish the impact of various working conditions, examining the anchoring mass and dynamic load parameters that affect the bearing capacity. The results indicate that under dynamic load, the stress and displacement distribution patterns on the rock-anchor contact surface are similar to those under static loads. However, both the amplitude and the rate of increase are significantly higher than in the static load condition. The increase in displacement in the direction of the arch crown and the right arch foot reach 36% and 112%, respectively. At 7 times the amplitude of the static load, the displacement difference between the two reaches a “threshold value” of 0.30 mm. Under dynamic loading, the ultimate bearing capacity of TTA increases with the expansion angle, length, and spacing of the anchor plug. The sensitivity ranking of these geometric parameters from high to low is anchor plug length, anchor plug expansion angle, and anchor plug spacing. The impact of dynamic load frequency on bearing capacity is relatively small. Under dynamic loading, the ultimate bearing capacity of TTA significantly decreases, with an average reduction of about 21%. The sensitivity analysis of TTA bearing performance and influencing factors under dynamic loads provides a reference for the optimal design of TTA ultimate bearing capacity in practical engineering.

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杨国俊 ?,张树涛 ,吕明航 ,杜永峰 ,唐光武 .动荷载作用下隧道锚承载性能及影响因素敏感性分析[J].湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2025,(1):207~218

  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-22