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Fuzzy Evaluation of Collapse Incidents in Highway Tunnel Construction Based on Rough Set and Barycenter Theory
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    The conclusion may be blurred and subjective in the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of risk analysis because of the weight set over-reliance on expert scoring and subjective survey method. In response to these shortcomings, the introduction of rough set theory can help us to calculate the weight of the objective set and to avoid the "lost" phenomenon of the smaller weight factors. With 120 detailed tunnel collapse accident statistics in the past 15 years, we can identify the six major landslides risk factors, including geological factors, design and construction quality and so on. By the application of rough set theory in the decision table method, we can also calculate the factors of the objective weight and use the fuzzy theory to focus on the evaluation factors as normal membership function approach. Then, we can establish tunnel construction period collapse assessment method on the basis of the rough set theory and theory of barycenter of fuzzy set. Finally, using the assessment methods in the engineering project, we find this method can verify the applicability and it is more accurate, compared with the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and practical engineering analysis method.

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