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Study of the Vibration Isolation of Two-degree-of-freedom Fluid-type Floating Raft
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    A two-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) fluid-type floating raft system was propoesd for vibration isolation based on anti-resonance mechanism, which enables completely isolate vibrations, including two frequency components. The mathematical model of TDOF fluid-type floating raft was derived under the assumption of small amplitude vibration. The isolation behavior of the floating raft was analyzed, and the expression of force transmissibility was obtained. The analysis indicates that TDOF fluid-type floating raft possess two anti-resonance frequencies, which can be tuned by changing the liquid level. The isolation behavior of TDOF fluid-type floating raft was compared with that of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) fluid-type floating raft and classical mass-spring isolation system. It shows that TDOF fluid-type floating raft has effect of vibration isolation at low frequency, and it also has better effect of vibration isolation than SDOF fluid-type floating raft when the two anti-resonance frequencies are equal to each other.

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