CHEN Chang-fu, CAO Hong, WANG Chun-zi, WU Yan-quan
(Geotechnical Engineering Institute, Hunan Univ, Changsha,Hunan410082, China) 在知网中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
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Based on the elastic theory of settlement analysis, a finite element method was employed to investigate the influence of inclined bedrock on foundation settlements under non uniformly distributed load in terms of two key variables: the depth width ratio and the bedrock inclination. The first variable refers to the ratio between the depth from the compressible soil to the bedrock and the width of the foundation, while the second assumes the dip perpendicular to the direction of the strip foundation. According to the numerical results, the design charts of settlement influencing factors and differential settlement influencing factors under different load conditions were given to help practice application. Besides, parameter analysis of the influence of calculating parameters on settlements and the position variation of the largest settlement with the change of the depth width ratio and the bedrock inclination were given.Morover, a design example was presented to illustrate the use of the design charts.