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Study on Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbon
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    Nitrogen-doped porous carbon (NPC) was successfully prepared by solvent evaporation combined with high temperature thermal polymerization in the present study. The microstructure and element composition of the samples were characterized by SEM, TEM, Thermogravimetric analyzer (TG), N2 adsorption-desorption and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that the nitrogen content of the nitrogen-doped porous carbon was 4.2 at% and the specific surface area was as high as 422.0 m2/g higher than that of the nitrogen-free sample(301.1 m2/g), and the specific surface area and pore volume of the samples were obviously increased by nitrogen element doped. Subsequently, the obtained NPC was also characterized with cyclic voltammetry curves, constant current charge discharge curves and AC impedance spectra.The electrochemical results showed that nitrogen doped method could significantly increase the specific capacitance of the sample, reduce the internal resistance of the porous carbon, and greatly improve the electrochemical properties of the carbon material. At the current density of 0.5 A/g, the specific capacitance of N-doped porous carbon was increased from 83.8 F/g to 162.8 F/g, and the internal resistance was reduced from 1.39 Ω to 0.47 Ω.Furthermore, nitrogen-doped porous carbon possessed good rate performance and cyclic stability

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  • Online: June 08,2018