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Surface Wind Pressure and Overall Shape Coefficients of Low-elevation Enclosed Skybridge

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    Wind tunnel testing is employed to study the wind pressure distribution and wind load on low-elevation enclosed skybridges. The characteristics of shape coefficients and non-Gaussian distributions on the four surfaces of the skybridges are analyzed. The overall shape coefficients of the skybridges concerning wind azimuths and skybridge length are investigated. Then, the windward overall shape coefficients and skewed wind loading distribution factors of low-elevation enclosed skybridges are provided. The peak wind pressure coefficients under all azimuths based on extreme value analysis are given. Finally, recommended values for the wind-resistant design of skybridges are suggested. Results show that the shape coefficients in the leeward side of a low-elevation enclosed skybridge range from -1.04 to -0.86, which are much larger than -0.6 in magnitude specified for the square tall building in the load code. As a result, the overall shape coefficient of the enclosed skybridge is 1.61, which is larger than the 1.4 specified for the square-high building in the load code. In the windward direction, the overall shape coefficient in the middle section is larger than that in the other section. The overall shape coefficient in the windward direction is larger than that in the other azimuths. The longer the skybridge length, the larger the overall shape coefficient. In the windward direction, the pressures on the windward surface present a Gaussian distribution, whereas those on the other three surfaces present a non-Gaussian distribution. The windward overall shape coefficients and skewed wind loading distribution factor are used as references for the main load-resistant design of the enclosed skybridges.

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  • Online: May 30,2024
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