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  • Volume 37,Issue 12,2010 Table of Contents
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    • Analysis on Thermal and Moisture Stress in Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

      2010, 37(12):1-6.

      Abstract (1248) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (240) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the basic principles of thermal stress, experiments and analysis were carried out on the changos of thermal and moisture stress and damage caused by the variation of thermal and moisture environment in the bamboo reinforced concrete. The results show that the coefficient of traverse thermal and moisture expansion is greater than the longitudinal coefficient in the bamboo, and also greater than the expansion coefficient of the concrete. When the pressure stress in the bamboo reinforcement caused by the concurrent enlargement of thermal and moisture exceeds the compression strength of bamboo, damage will be generated inside the bamboo reinforcement, and the compression strength will be brought down. When the tensile stress in the bamboo reinforcement caused by the concurrent decrease is larger than the surface binding stress between the bamboo reinforcement and the concrete, the function of reinforcing rib in the frame will be weakened. The fall of temperature and moisture is one of the most important reasons leading to the damage of bamboo reinforced concrete during the designed operation condition.

    • Antiseismic Performance Analysis of Steel Reinforced Concrete Frame Supported by Frameconcrete Core Structure

      2010, 37(12):7-12.

      Abstract (945) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (157) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A finite element analysis was conducted on steel reinforced concrete frame supported by frameconcrete core structure with steel reinforced girder transfer story, and the general rules of the earthquake response were studied, when the height of transfer story and the ratio of equivalent lateral stiffness change. The results have shown that the height of transfer story can be set a little higher properly and suitable at a high altitude, and the outer frame should be reinforced around the transfer story for seismic design. When the transfer story is at a high altitude, the outer frame, up but next to the transfer story, should be specially strengthened, and when designing the outer frame of one or two upper stories, the corner columns should be more reinforced than other columns. Besides, the ratio of equivalent lateral stiffness should be ranged between 0.86 and 1.

    • A New Analytical Model for VOCs Emitted from Dry Building Materials

      2010, 37(12):13-17.

      Abstract (986) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new analytical model for VOCs emission was presented. Compared with other models, it takes into account the situation in which the initial concentrations of VOCs in the room and the inlet concentration are not zero. The results are in good agreement with the experiment results and the discrete solution of equations. Moreover, the form of the solution is completely analytical, so it can be calculated without iteration. Therefore, this model can be used more widely. Finally, this model can be used in three ways: first, we can calculate the concentration of VOCs in a room; second, we can calculate the amount of VOCs emitted from building materials; and third, we can also calculate the ventilation time or ventilation rate with the given building materials and the concentration of VOCs in a room. This provides the basis for the design of airconditioning systems.

    • Analysis of the Mechanical Property of Orthotropic Bridge Deck with Steelelastomer Sandwich Structure

      2010, 37(12):18-23.

      Abstract (1012) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (194) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The mechanical properties of polyurethanesteel sandwich structure orthotropic bridge deck at different section control points were analyzed under different vehicle loading statuses. These properties with the core layer thickness and faceplate thickness were obtained by means of the 3D finite element models of a threespan sandwich orthotropic bridge deck. The results have shown that the mechanical characteristics of the sandwich bridge deck are as follows: on the top of the middle longitudinal U stiffening rib at the midspan section, the compressive and tensile properties of the longitudinal and transversal stress of the sandwich deck subface are not the same as the usual flexural member, the longitudinal stress on U stiffening rib subface is much bigger than that in any other location of this section, its transversal stress can be negligible, and that the longitudinal stress of polyurethane core layer is the maximum at the joint of the middle stiffening rib connecting the sandwich bridge deck in supporting section, its transversal stress can be negligible, and the shear strength of the faying surface between the steel plate and the polyurethane is higher than 6Mpa, which can meet bonding strength requirements.

    • Study of Semiactive Suspension Control Strategy Based on an Identification Model

      2010, 37(12):24-30.

      Abstract (961) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposed a simple identification model by applying genetic algorithm to identify the model parameters on the basis of the quarter car model built in ADAMS. So its characteristics are closer to those of a real suspension than those of a simple model with normal parameters. Then the characteristics of some control methods with skyhook damper were analyzed, and a hybrid control strategy optimized by means of immune algorithm was proposed. Simulation results have indicated that hybrid control can effectively improve passive suspension performance, and under certain index, it can offer more benefits to suspension performance than skyhook control and groundhook control. Moreover, the proposed method is simple and feasible and has some practical value in engineering.

    • Multiobjective Optimization of the Intake and Exhaust System of a Gasoline Engine Using Nondominate Sorting Genetic AlgorithmII

      2010, 37(12):31-35.

      Abstract (924) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (161) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An improved nondominate sorting genetic algorithmII (NSGAII) was used to optimize the intake and exhaust system of a single cylinder gasoline engine, whose torque at middle range speed was decreased noticeably after a catalyst was added. First, a full GTpower model was set up and verified based on experiment data. Then the intake and exhaust system was selected as the optimization variables, and the effects of the diameters and lengths of intake/exhause pipe on the engine performance were investigated individually. Finally an improved nondominate sorting genetic algorithmII (NSGAII) was used to solve the multiobjective optimization problem. The results have shown that the diameters and lengths of the intake/exhause pipe have different ranges and degrees of influence on the engine torque. Different multiobjective optimization simultaneity can be satisfied by adjusting those variables separately. The improved NSGAII, with an elitist preserve strategy and duplicates removing algorithm added, can get the Pareto solution set effectively and satisfy the multiobjective optimization.

    • Research on Optimization Energysaving Control Algorithm of the Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle

      2010, 37(12):36-40.

      Abstract (892) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (146) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new structure of hydraulic hybrid vehicle and the working principles were presented. The characteristics of Hydraulic Transformer (HT) displacement and pressure were analyzed after the mathematical models of HT displacement and pressure were established. Results showed that the various parameters of the HT port plate control angle from regular pattern were obtained when the energy regenerative system was working. Moreover, according to the optimal conditions of the accumulator, an optimization energysaving control algorithm with various operation conditions was established. Finally, the control relationships between optimization energysaving algorithm and various parameters of HT and accumulator were obtained through simulation tests when the HHV operated in different working conditions. So, the optimization energysaving algorithm can use HHV to achieve maximum energy recovery.

    • Transient Response Analysis of the Impact on the Rotor Blade

      2010, 37(12):41-44.

      Abstract (909) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (163) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking the primary rotor blades of a highpressure compressor of a certain aero-engine as the research object, and by ways of interpretation and analysis, the kinetic equation to describe the impact of a broken blade on the rotor blades was derived, which can analytically describes the transient response of the inside broken blade's impact on the rotor blades. An example with the length, width and thickness of the rotor blade being 0.07 m, 0.03 m, 0.005m respectively was given to illustrate the transient response when one rotor blade was broken due to impact. The results show that, when the engine speed reaches up to 10000r/min, the impact point is 0.05m far from the root of the blade and the impact time is 0.02s, the maximum transient response displacement can reach up to 0.00 292 m. So, the maximum response under impulsive load should never be neglected.

    • The Optimization of the Ultrasupercritical Coal Fired Power Plant Without Economizer

      2010, 37(12):45-48.

      Abstract (1034) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (149) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking a 1000MW ultrasupercritical unit as the research object, the transformation of the unit without economizer was studied. The boiler, turbine and thermal system of the power plant were considered as a whole. A highpressure heater was added to the unit. The flow rate of the unit was changed and as a result, the heat absorption of the boiler heating surface was also changed. The heat regenerative system was optimized. The results have shown that the exergy efficiency of the boiler increased from 54.0% to 54.4%. Standard coal consumption rate of power supply is reduced from 304 g/kWh to 302.9 g/kWh.

    • Optimization of the Switching Frequency of a Multilevel Inverter Using Characteristic Network

      2010, 37(12):49-54.

      Abstract (868) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (162) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:When the modulation algorithm of the space vector in a multilevel inverter was rotated by 45°, the concepts of characteristic network using basic vectors to track the reference vectors, characteristic quadrangle and vectors basic switching were obtained. On the basis of the switching relation between the "closed routes" of characteristic quadrangles, we chose the pervertex of each sector in the basic switching traversal characteristic network. Then, we got the least switching times in the modulation algorithm of space vectors in multilevel inverters. Based on a 2cell 5level inverter, according to the reference voltage variation, we have found that the characteristic network can be divided into two types and have given the corresponding algorithms of switching times. Compared with the simulation result, it has been shown that this algorithm is correct. And compared with the phase disposition sinusoidal modulation (PD SPWM) method, the total switching times in one reference voltage period of the proposed modulation algorithm is only 38% of PD SPWM. The simulation output voltage waveform is quite close to the reference voltage.

    • Dual Function of Polyaniline in the Positive Electrode LiFePO4/C

      2010, 37(12):55-60.

      Abstract (965) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The electronic conductivities of all the positive electrode active materials for lithium ion batteries (LIB) are very low. One of the most effective methods to decrease the polarization extent of positive electrode, to increase the specific chargedischarge capacities of active materials and to increase the chargedischarge current densities is to select one kind of electronic conductive reagent with high electronic conductivity and mix it with binder to build up a good electronic conductive network. The results of measurements have shown that the electronic conductivity of polyaniline (PAn) (σPAn=18.39 S/cm) is greater than that of acetylene black (AB) (σAB=7.77 S/cm). The galvanostatic experiment (current density I=15 mA/g) of the above PAn was done, and no other conductive reagent was used. In the third cycle, the specific discharge capacity D3 was 60.8 mAh/g and the charge and discharge efficiency η3 was 94.56%. The experiment results have shown that PAn in the positive electrodes has both the function of electronic conductive reagents and that of active materials. Galvanostatic experiments were conducted with the LiFePO4/C as the positive electrode active materials and PAn as the electronic conductive reagent to take the place of AB. When the current density was 15 mA/g, 30 mA/g, 45 mA/g, 60 mA/g, 75 mA/g, 90 mA/g and 120 mA/g, respectively, all the specific charge and discharge capacities increased. After charging and discharging with large current density (120 mA/g), the positive electrode charged and discharged with the original small current density (15 mA/g). The specific charge and discharge capacities were almost unchanged. It was shown that the storing lithium ions structure of LiFePO4/C did not change.

    • Study of the Performance of Epoxy Adhesive Modified by Reinforced Material with Different Microstructures

      2010, 37(12):61-65.

      Abstract (978) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presented a comparative study of different samples of adhesive strength, viscosity, impact strength and thermal of properties, which respectively use nanoSiO2(zerodimensional), potassium titanate whiskers(onedimensional) and nanoorganic montmorillonite(twodimensional) modified epoxy resin adhesive. Experiment results have shown that three kinds of reinforced materials can effectively improve the overall performance of adhesive. When the content of nanoSiO2, PTW and OMMT are 2%,6% and 6%,the mechanical properties and heat resistance are significantly increased. When the content of nanoSiO2, PTW and OMMT are 2%, the apparent viscosity of the glue (A component) decreases.

    • RNAA Study of 18srRNA Invovled in Cryptochromemediated Signaling in Arabidopsis

      2010, 37(12):66-71.

      Abstract (964) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SCC98D was screened from an activationtagging mutant library in the background of blue lightreceptor cryptochrome double mutant cry1cry2 in Arabidopsis, which was early flowering, short hypocotyl and excess petal number, and then the phenotype of late flowering and long hypocotyl in cry1cry2 was suppressed. The flanking sequence of inserted site was cloned with TAILPCR. The sequenced result of flanking sequence has shown that the TDNA was inserted in 1751 bp of 18srRNA. Afterwards, a transcriptional analysis of the gene around inserted site with RTPCR demonstrated that the activated gene was 18srRNA. This study has identified that 18srRNA is involved in Crymediated signaling.

    • Growth Mechanism of VO2(B) Powders under Hydrothermal Conditions

      2010, 37(12):72-76.

      Abstract (938) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With V2O5 and oxalic acid as raw materials, VO2(B) powders were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The structure and morphology of the products were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and HRTEM. The growth mechanism of the VO2(B) powders was investigated by studying the effect of hydrothermal temperature and hydrothermal time on the structure and morphology of the products. The results show that, under the hydrothermal process, V2O5 first transforms into V6O13 and then reacts with oxalic acid to form the final product VO2(B), and the laminated structure VO2(B) changes into the subsequently stable VO2 (B) powders gradually, in which the length is 1μm, the wideness is 100~200 nm and the spacing of the lattice fringe is 0.51 nm with prolonging hydrothermal time.

    • MIMOVirtual Link Based Multichannel MAC Scheme

      2010, 37(12):77-81.

      Abstract (1006) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (152) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Multichannel MAC can fully utilize the frequency resources of PHY layer, which can reduce interference and improve throughput Grounded on ZigBee protocol architecture. A virtual link based multichannel MAC (VLMAC) was proposed, aiming at clustered network, VLMAC combines TDMA with FDMA. In VLMAC, Clusterheads schedule timeslots achieve noncollision during intracluster communication. The clusters in twocluster hops range use different channel to avoid intercluster interference. Intercluster communication between the cluster heads is based on virtual link (VL). There are several unoverlapped VLs. Virtual MIMO is also employed to solve severe enormous data induced collision problems. Furthermore, hidden terminal problem is also considered in our algorithm. Simulation results have shown that interference, latency and energy consumption can be reduced in VLMAC.

    • Improvement of the Binarysearchingbased Anticollision Algorithm of RFID Systems

      2010, 37(12):82-86.

      Abstract (1025) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the tag collision problem in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system, an improved binarytree anticollision algorithm was proposed. By dividing the tags into different subsets and adjusting dynamically the process of collision detection, the collision probabilities and power consumption were reduced. The simulation results have shown that, compared with other binarytree anticollision algorithms, the proposed algorithm enhances the identifying efficiency, and both the number of searching times and the bits transferred between the reader and the tags are relatively low when the number of tags is large.

    • Existence of Even Homoclinic Orbits for Secondorder Nonautonomous Hamiltonian Systems

      2010, 37(12):87-89.

      Abstract (862) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Some existence theorems for even homoclinic orbits have been obtained for a class of secondorder nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems with symmetric potentials under a class of new superquadratic conditions by using the Mountain pass lemma.

    • NewtonKrylovSchwarz Algorithm for Complementarity Problems

      2010, 37(12):90-92.

      Abstract (1120) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (178) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We presented some parallel NewtonKrylovSchwarz (NKS) algorithm to solving the complementarity problems. Using semismooth function, the solution of the optimization problem can be obtained by solving a large sparse nonlinear system of algebraic equations. Numerical results show that the efficiency can be achieved by the proposed method.

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