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  • Volume 38,Issue 9,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Research on the Modal Synthesis of Aqueduct Model

      2011, 38(9):1-6.

      Abstract (969) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (166) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The modal experiments a single pile and a pier were implemented. In order to synthesize the two parts of the experiment results into a whole and minimize the destruction, the sensors were installed on the pile in the experiment. A simple modal synthesis method has been derived. The first is the symmetry of the model, the second is the theory of frequency response characteristics of composite systems, and the third is structural displacement harmonized condition. This method realizes the combination of the pile -pier modal. At the same time, the finite element calculation results are consistent with the experiment results, which validates the feasibility of the method proposed.

    • Water Quality Evaluation Model with Parameterized Combination Operators Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

      2011, 38(9):7-10.

      Abstract (1000) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (101) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the parametric combination operator theory,a water quality evaluation model was established, and its parameters were optimized with the particle swarm optimization algorithm.The model was applied in the water quality assessment of seawater, groundwater and surface water. Case studies have shown the assessment results of the parametric combination operator models based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm agree basically with those of the conventional assessment methods such as the set pair analysis, BP neural network model and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The model has the characteristics of easy calculation and good adaptation to the non -linear water quality evaluation problems.

    • Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Analysis of the Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential of Huangpu River Water

      2011, 38(9):11-15.

      Abstract (1094) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (88) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phreeqc was used to calculate the calcium carbonate precipitation potential(CCPP) of Huangpu river water. The possible reasons for the differential between calculated and experimental CCPP were firstly analyzed. Furthermore a statistical analysis was made to study the correlation between pH and CCPP of the raw waters. The results show phreeqc, a free open -source program, has similar high level of calculation accuracy with other commercial software. The difference of CCPP values between experimental and theoretical calculation are considerable, which is mainly due to the lack of water indexes. With a statistical analysis, the correlation between pH and CCPP of Huangpu river water was found. The chemical stability of raw water could be achieved by adjusting the calculated CCPP to be 0~4 mg/L CaCO 3 and the experimental CCPP to be 0~4 mg/L CaCO 3.

    • Dynamic Active Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall under Various Modes of Movement

      2011, 38(9):16-21.

      Abstract (862) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (94) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of the Assumption of Mononobe -Okabe theory,the first -order differential equation for active earth pressure on the retaining wall was set up for the translation (T) mode,movement modes of rotation around base (RB) and rotation around top (RT) by analyzing slice elements extracted from the sliding soil wedge. And the formulas for calculating the unit earth pressure,the resultant earth pressure and the action point of the result pressure were given.The comparison between calculated results with the present formulas and Mononobe -Okabe theory has shown that the unit earth pressure is nonlinearly distributed;and that the distance from the action point of resultant pressure to the base of wall increases with the order of(RB)mode,(T) mode,and (RT) mode.It has also indicated that the calculated results of the resultant pressure under various modes of movement are in accordance with those of Mononobe -Okabe theory for q 0=0 .

    • Dynamic Stability of Circular Tunnel Linings Subjected to Radial Harmonic Excitation

      2011, 38(9):22-26.

      Abstract (1097) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (85) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An analytical procedure was presented to evaluate the dynamic stability of circular tunnel linings subjected to radial harmonic stresses. Considering the dynamic interaction between the linings and the surrounding soil, the calculation of critical exciting frequency of linings was derived. A parametric study was performed to investigate the effects of some key parameters of the linings -soil system on the dynamic stability of the circular linings, such as the foundation's properties, ratio of the lining's radius and thickness, the exciting stresses, and the damp of the system.Numerical results demonstrate that the properties of the surrounding soil and the damp of the soil -lining system barely affect the dynamic stability of the lining.Whereas, the thickness of the lining and the input exitation have a considerable influence on the dynamic instable area of the lining.

    • A Load Mapping Method and Its Application in Mold Structural Optimization Design

      2011, 38(9):27-31.

      Abstract (1127) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (90) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to analyze and optimize the structure of stamping mold, a new load mapping method was proposed for the precise calculation of the load acting on the mold surface. The new method established an accurate load mapping model between the forming force on the triangular element of the deformed sheet metal and the load on the tetrahedron element of the stamping mold after accurately setting a new mapping direction and positioning the different elements. Then the load distribution on the surface of the mold was obtained. A case study applied the loads obtained to a stamping mold design and analysis, and a topology optimization was performed by using the software OptiStruct. Compared with traditional designs, the optimized mold structure can improve the stiffness and strength of the forming mold significantly, and reduce mold weight dramatically. It shows that the method established is feasible and can also be applied to other parts of the stamping mold.

    • Fatigue Simulation and Analysis on Planetary Gear of Megawatt Wind Power Yaw Reducer

      2011, 38(9):32-38.

      Abstract (1169) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (76) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The new type wind power yaw reducer was virtually assembled in Pro/E for the operating conditions of the MW wind power yaw reducer. The planetary gear contact model of the new type wind power yaw reducer was built to simulate the change of the contact stress in the process of planetary gear operation with the interface of Pro/E and ANSYS. The results show that the initial maximum contact stress of the meshing planetary gear is 395 MPa and the maximum stress in the engagement process is 460 MPa, but it is still less than the material yield limit of the planetary gear. The results also show that the fatigue life of the gear teeth is 125 800 times, the cumulative fatigue factor is 0.725 01 by analyzing the fatigue loads and 42CrMo’s S -N curve of MW wind power yaw drive planetary gear, so it can meet the design and operation requirements for the MW wind power yaw reducer.

    • Reliability Optimization of Occupant Restraint System in Side Impact Tests

      2011, 38(9):39-43.

      Abstract (792) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (83) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Restraint system is very important to the reduction of occupant injury risks in side impact tests. The restraint system model of the car driver side in side impact was built by using MADYMO simulation software. Considering the effect of the yielding force of pelvis energy absorber, airbag triggering time, inflator mass rate and ventilation hole size on dummy injury results, the response surfaces of occupant injury criteria were created and the reliability optimization of the occupant restraint system was carried out on the basis of Monte -Carlo stochastic simulation. The results have shown that the optimized restraint system scheme can meet the reliability design requirements.

    • Power Compensation of Continuously Variable Transmission under Transient Conditions

      2011, 38(9):44-49.

      Abstract (963) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (80) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the drivability of continuously variable transmission (CVT) vehicle under hard acceleration condition, a compensation control strategy based on effective power was proposed. Different from the conventional control methods, which are dependent on vehicle and road environment information, this new strategy sets CVT input power as the control objective. A power compensation mode was ranked to four classes: holding power, zero power, increasing reserve power, and synthesis control. So, quantification criteria for setting transition curve and optimizing transient condition performance were available. Simulation and experiment results have shown that power compensation control strategy can eliminate the harmful effect of power decrease caused by engine -flywheel inertia and too fast ratio shift -rate. Drivability has been improved under transient conditions.

    • Research on the Evaluation Technique of Green Degree for Equipment Manufacturing

      2011, 38(9):50-54.

      Abstract (830) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (81) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The key problems of the green degree evaluation of equipment manufacturing enterprises are the establishment of the evaluation index and the distribution of the weights. This research has developed a software for maintaining the evaluation system and weighing the input calculating system,which are based on the designed green degree evaluation index system and overall merit mathematics model for the equipment manufacturing industry,and also designed a weighing fuzzy input and calculating method qualitatively and quantitatively. The decision makers could adjust the number of indicators in real time,change index name and adjust weighing differential,and also suit the need of different kind of enterprises. This research also established the regress tactic and arithmetic that matched the features of the weighing samples and discussed the weighing distributing tactics which led to the conclusion that pre -installing the reference value in weighing input tools made the samples normal and the weighing desired value rational. Finally, this research designed the process of the evaluation which provides a new idea for green degree evaluation.

    • Effect of Pre -treatment on the Microstructural Homogeneity and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Sheets Produced by High Strain Rate Rolling

      2011, 38(9):55-58.

      Abstract (1008) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (84) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Magnesium sheets prepared by traditional plastic processing technologies always exhibit undesirable mechanical properties, which is inefficient and costly for commercial application. High strain rate rolling (HSRR) was operated on AZ31 magnesium alloy. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the HSRRed sheets pre -treated in two different ways were investigated. The results indicated that HSRR was an effective method to produce magnesium alloy sheets characteristic of fine grains and high comprehensive mechanical properties. The pre -strain plus homogenization pre -treatment could significantly improve the microstructural homogeneity of the high strain rate rolled sheet, in which the fine grains were distributed very homogeneously and the average grain size was 2.3 μm. The ductility of the sheet was enhanced due to the improved microstructural homogeneity, and the elongation at room temperature was up to 28%.

    • Regulation of the Refractive Index of TiO 2 Films

      2011, 38(9):59-63.

      Abstract (1356) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (86) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TiO 2 films were prepared by electron beam evaporation (E -beam). X -ray diffraction (XRD), X -ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscope (AFM) were applied to characterize the film's structure. UV -visible spectrophotometer was used to analyze the changes of refractive index (RI). It has been found that the RI of TiO 2 film prepared by E -beam is lower than that of the bulk. It can be regulated within 1.97~2.22 by controlling O 2 pressure, deposition rate and substrate temperature. Compact film with RI within 2.06~2.42 is obtained by ion beam assisted deposition. Glancing angle deposition can realize the regulation of RI within 1.71~2.18 by controlling the growing angle and the porosity of films.

    • Effect of ZnO/Na 2O (mol) on the Properties of cBN Vitrified Bond Grinding Wheel

      2011, 38(9):64-69.

      Abstract (988) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (79) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of ZnO/Na 2O molar ratio( Z )on the properties of Li 2O -K 2O -SiO 2 -Al 2O 3 -B 2O 3 system vitrified bonds and cBN grinding wheels were studied with TG -DSC, X -ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy and thermal expansion coefficient tests. The results showed that the lower inflation crystalline phase(Li 2OAl 2O 37.5 SiO 2)appeared in the vitrified bond. And by increasing the ratio of Z , all the vitrified bonds' topographic crystal temperature, softening temperature, crystal quantity and density increased while the crystal size was reduced. When the wheel formula was fixed, the porosity of wheel decreased by increasing the ratio of Z while the bulk density, hardness and bending strength all increased. But G -ratio(dry -rubbing QT400)increased at the beginning, and then became lower. When the ratio of Z was 0.75, the values of vitrified bonds' expansion coefficient and softening temperature were 6.902 9×10 -6 K -1 and 805 ℃, respectively. Meanwhile, the bending strength, the porosity and G -ratio of cBN grinding wheel were 73.97 MPa,15.65% and 156.42%, respectively.

    • Fabrication and Sensing Property of Pd -Ni Alloy Nanoparticles -coated Carbon Fibers as a Hydrogen Sensitive Material

      2011, 38(9):70-74.

      Abstract (944) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (84) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Controllable size Pd -Ni alloy nanoparticles with Ni8.5 % were electrodeposited on carbon fiber by using -0.5 V potential. The nanoparticles -coated carbon fibers could be applied for sensing hydrogen. The size of the nanoparticles affected the hydrogen sensing property of the sensor. The nanoparticles with 180 nm diameter showed good hydrogen sensing property. The response current of the sensor increased with hydrogen concentration from 0 to 6%. In 6% H 2, the sensitivity of the nanoparticle sensor reached 38.35%.

    • Cellulase Liquid Fermentation and Extraction with Straw

      2011, 38(9):75-78.

      Abstract (878) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (89) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This experiment was carried out by Trichoderma reesei HC -415 according to Shake -flask orthogonal tests 1 and 2 and Shake -flask fermentation medium -2 test, which determined the consumption level of straw and bean cake powder in 30 L fermenter. We tracked the variation of pH and DO of fermentation liquor and the activity of cellulase changing over time, studied the extraction of cellulase, and calculated the yield. The average enzymic activity of the lyophilized cellulase of CMC was 355.0 IU/g, and 44.3 IU/g for FPA.The relative yield of fermentation liquor was 16.00 g/L.The enzymic activity yield of fermentation liquor for CMC was 77.16%,and 58.10% for FPA.

    • Metabolic Network Comparison Method Based on Wavelet Transformation

      2011, 38(9):79-86.

      Abstract (872) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (73) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the defect of only considering the node characteristics in previous comparisons of entire network based on set theory, we proposed a new method to compare metabolic networks by taking into account the differences of the properties of nodes in network topology. This method combinesd the centrality of seven topologies of the metabolic network, used principal component analysis to select principal component, and designed the sequence of the principal components method, and then used wavelet transform to study the metabolic network structure characteristic curve, and finally compared the fuzzy function metabolic networks of different species. Our method can analyze the similarity of metabolic network topology quantitatively. An analysis of the similarity data reveals the species -specificity of metabolic networks, and finds that the similarity of metabolic networks of species in the same evolution stage is much higher than that of species in different evolution stages, which provides a mathematical basis for the research of the evolution of metabolic network.

    • Indifference Pricing of European Option in Incomplete Market

      2011, 38(9):87-92.

      Abstract (1110) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (95) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of optimal consumption/investment and option pricing for maximizing the expected consumption utility in an incomplete market was studied. Under the assumption that the underlying asset is non-traded and follows a mean -reverting process, we obtnined the optimal consumption and investment strategy, together with a partial differential equation for the European option pricing by stochastic dynamic programming and consumption utility indifference pricing principle. Numerical examples were presented. The results indicate that risk aversion will decrease option price, which changes with time but also depends on the mean reverting level under such model, i.e. according to two different cases the option price may increase or decrease with time respectively.

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