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    • Rural Construction and the Establishment of Modern Political Convention —— Research on Liang Shumings Theory of Rural Construction

      2017, 44(4):8-9.

      Abstract (697) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (731) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rural Construction plays a significant role in Liang Shumings Ideology because it provides the methodology of realizing his Diversified Modernization Theory.At the same time,Liang Shuming pointed out several key concepts such as Ethic Standard and Diversification of Profession through his research towards rural society,and these concepts were highly indicative of the characteristics of Chinese Society.In addition,Liang Shuming emphasized that Rural Construction is the most reasonable scheme of constructing a modern country,which in China should specifically be realized by nurturing citizens modern political convention.

    • The Future and Family Values,and the Meaning of Self-Renewal in Confucianism

      2017, 44(4):10-18.

      Abstract (680) HTML (0) PDF 2.74 M (769) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study of family used to be mainly analytic on the phenomenon and was carried out to understand the actual conditions.Thas it is hard to establish the identity of family and to present its objectives.From this critical mindset,we tend to get the true character of family through Confucian family values and find the future vision.All practical ethics of Confucianism begins with family.In that sense,family is the center of Confucian community.In Confucianism,family is ‘ethical community’ and family members are understood as relative self.Therefore,for Confucianism,the purpose of family is to practice and provide ethical actions.Confucianism takes the relationship among family members to be very important and extends it to the community and the nation.With this Confucian family value,we can see the positive possibility of overcoming human alienation and relational humanity.In spite of these positive Confucian family values,there are negative traditional culture values,and thus there is difficulty in applying it in modern society.Their future-oriented and self-renewal values deserve attention.

    • Analysis on the Clan Study of Confucian the Song Dynasty

      2017, 44(4):19-24.

      Abstract (844) HTML (0) PDF 2.25 M (752) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since the middle of the Tang Dynasty,private schools have outrun government-run schools family education is increasingly important because of the development of families of commoners.As an important part of the clan culture of the Song Dynasty,the study of clan is family-based education.With a focus on the family,the study takes the forms of tuition-free schools,academies,and family schools.The teaching objective is to prepare students for Keju(the imperial examination),and to make students concern themselves with state affairs.Famous scholars are hired to teach students by using the classics of Confucianism.Students have to earn their rights to worship sages.The form,objective,curriculum,faculty,and the ways of worshiping sages reflect distinctive features of different clans,and the characteristics of the family-based private education and the reconstruction of family society in the Song Dynasty.

    • Academic Significance of Zhang Jis Guan Xue Zong Zhuan

      2017, 44(4):25-28.

      Abstract (752) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (761) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Guan Xue Zong Zhuan written by Zhang Ji contains more than 240 other people off the historical biography since the Song Dynasty until the Qing Dynasty from Zhang Zai to Liu Guyu,compared with the previous related studies on Guan Xue Bian,Guan Xue Xu Bian increase recorded more than 170.It has become literature history of Guan studies including the most Guan scholars.The book not only has a clear guiding ideology and rigorous compilation style,but also draws lessons from previous works recording scholars lives and philosophical thoughts and reflects the core theory of Guan scholars,thus,the development thread and academic heritage of Guan Xue are clearly reproduced.This is of great value in literature and academic history for a comprehensive understanding of the history of Guan Xue.

    • Chu Tsus Doctrine of Righteousness and Utility Toegye Defended

      2017, 44(4):29-38.

      Abstract (801) HTML (0) PDF 1.57 M (706) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a firm and loyal follower of Chu Tsu School,Korean Confucian I Hwang(Toegye) tried his best to interpret and defend Chu Tsus theories through his whole life,the doctrine of righteousness and utility is just one case.It is a pity that the researchers have not found until today that the text which Toegye used to defend Chu Tsu is actually not written by Chu Tsu himself but his second generation disciple Ye Cai.This essay reveals in details the truth and points out that Neo-Confucianism of Chu Tsu school from China to Korea is of one kind of universal value in pre-modern East Asia.

    • Research of Confucian Ideology Mastering Oneself(Ke-ji)and Returning to Propriety(Fu-li) Is Perfect Virtue(Ren): Concepts,Relations and Approaches

      2017, 44(4):39-44.

      Abstract (906) HTML (0) PDF 946.90 K (684) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mastering Oneself(Ke-ji)and Returning to Propriety(Fu-li) as Perfect Virtue(Ren) contains basic categories of Confucian ideological system and it is the key to master ideas of Confucius.Modern and contemporary off-springs have never stopped researching this system but are always in dispute.Ke-ji means cultivating and mastering oneself.Li could mean either proprieties in the Zhou Dynasty,or general rituals and norms in social context.Ren means morality and rational thinking in human relations.Ren can come either after or before Li;they can either integrate with each other or depart from each other.It is quite disputable about whether this is research of politics,sociology or ethnics.Even historians and philosophers diverge in their research methodology.As texts for research,the Analects of Confucius and Zuo Zhuan also vary in quality.In future,integrated research from various perspectives with case study should be emphasized.

    • A Study of the Late Southern Song Dynasty Department Grant Academy Mountain Long Examination System

      2017, 44(4):45-47.

      Abstract (785) HTML (0) PDF 1.93 M (877) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Academy mountain long hosts college teaching,management,namely the so-called college “how” breeding of all nationalities.During the two Song periods,it was generally set up in official academy,appointed by state overseers as a MingRu scholar,or by state county officer concurrently,as to the southern Song Dynasty last year,beginning from the official department “poor”,the academy mountain long became one in the Song Dynasty official system,namely the courts MingGuan.

    • A Study on the Education of Kaitoku Academy during the Edo Age of Japan

      2017, 44(4):48-51.

      Abstract (757) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (876) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan advocated schooling and accordingly provided opportunities for the spread of new thoughts and culture objectively.With the development of commodity economy in Japan,the strength of businessmen has been enhanced.Kaitoku Academy,aiming at cultivating business elites,possessed features of owning flexible and liberal teaching pattern,embracing and transmitting advanced Western culture actively and formulating a series of rules and regulations for education management.The academy trained a large number of people with noble aspiration to the progress of modernization in Japan.

    • The Dilemma and Evolution of the Sacrifice to Confucius in Modern Times

      2017, 44(4):52-57.

      Abstract (704) HTML (0) PDF 2.38 M (725) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In modern times,the traditional political and religious system was torn.With the disintegration of the temple school system,the termination of the monarchy as well as the lack of Confucian authority,the political,ideological,and institutional foundations of sacrifices to Confucius collapsed.However,as the most significant cultural heritage in Chinas sacrificing tradition,sacrifice to Confucius was still drifting on the historical stage in modern times.On one hand,it was pushed to the altar of the power.On the other hand,its influence extended to folk society.As a symbolic ceremony,sacrifice to Confucius was easy to perform and thus it has the possibility to be separately extracted and present in different political and cultural environment.One unsettled topic left by history is: on the direction from temple to folk life and from politics to culture,how we could explore the transformation space of sacrifice to Confucius in modern times and what would be the new points of its succession.

    • Macroeconomic Implication of Chinas Supply-Side Structural Reform

      2017, 44(4):58-63.

      Abstract (887) HTML (0) PDF 741.55 K (856) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along the historical trend of economic reform and structural adjustment,Chinas supply-side structural reform is designed to meet the requirements of new economic era,and possesses multiple properties of market foundation,government guide and microeconomic regulation.The supply-side structural reform should protect and resolve the possible conflict between long-term growth and short-term stabilization effects,and,in carrying out its primary tasks,comprehensively coordinate and balance the fine relationships between capacity cutting and industrialization,between destocking and housing bubble,between deleveraging and debt sustainability,between cost reducing and wage expectation,and between weal links bolstering and infrastructure investment.In cooperation with proactive demand management,Chinas supply-side structural reform would lead the new normal of economic development,and enhance the normalization of economic condition,so as to restore the economic catching-up mode of high saving,high investment and high growth.

    • Audit Industry Expertise and Stock Price Crash Risk:A Perspective of the Importance of the Client and the Level of Internal Control

      2017, 44(4):64-70.

      Abstract (720) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (744) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper used OLS model to test the impact of audit industry expertise on the stock price crash risk,with the sample data of China listed companies from 2008 to 2014.The empirical study finds that: the listed companies choose their auditors with industry expertise will significantly decrease the future stock price crash risk ;moreover,the importance of the client,the level of internal control and the transparency of Accounting Information will influence the effect of audit industry expertise.

    • How Financial Constraints Affect the Export Margins:Evidences From Chinas Manufacturing Industries

      2017, 44(4):71-78.

      Abstract (709) HTML (0) PDF 2.30 M (631) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using decomposition method of export margin and HS 6-digit export trade data of 117 countries,this paper decomposes Chinas export growth of 25 manufacturing industries during 2000—2013 into extensive,price and quantity margin.And then the econometric model is put forward and estimated by using system GMM method to empirically explore the impact of financial constraints on export three margins.The results show that Chinas export growth is mainly driven by intensive margin,especially by quantity margin.The ease of internal and external financial constraints can promote the growth of extensive and quantity margin,but play different roles on price margin.The impact of financial constraints on export margins varies among industries of different factor intensity.

    • Research on the Contribution of Health Investment to Economic Growth——Based on the Spatial Econometric Test of Provincial Panel Data

      2017, 44(4):79-84.

      Abstract (738) HTML (0) PDF 2.65 M (626) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Health investment is not only related to the individual income and expenditure,but also affects the development of Macro-economy.Health investment can reduce the economic burden and loss caused by disease,improve labor productivity,promote investment income,realize and promote the development of health industry,etc.making effects on economic growth.Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China for 2000—2015 years,this paper constructs a spatial econometric model to empirically test the impact of health investment on economic growth and economic convergence.The results show that: health investment has positive effects on economic growth,and has a significant contribution to economic growth.However,the imbalance between urban and rural health investment has also led to further expansion of urban and rural economic disparities.In addition,educational human capital,urbanization,industrial structure and investment growth are also significant factors in influencing economic development.

    • Good Governance Ability to Respond to the Research of Improving the Horizon

      2017, 44(4):85-89.

      Abstract (634) HTML (0) PDF 953.35 K (659) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The government response ability is one of the key elements for good governance government,it is also a measure of a country or an important standard of social good governance level.In this paper,based on the theoretical perspective of good governance,from the process,content,effect and response time and way to interpret the response ability of the government ought to be representation,the response ability of the Chinese government in recent years for the cause of the lack of reality and in-depth,as advocated by the new public service concept,strengthening the government response to the system construction,widen the channel of the citizen participation,to speed up the construction of electronic government measures to promote the response ability.

    • Supply Side Structural Reform of Old-age Service Industry from Financial Perspective:A Case Study of Hunan Province

      2017, 44(4):89-94.

      Abstract (756) HTML (0) PDF 2.42 M (666) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aging rate of the domestic population is accelerating significantly in recent years.Therefore,development of old-age service industry,improvement of the old-age services supply,meeting the large number of elderly groups in many ways are related to the overall situation of economic and social development as well as peoples welfare.In this paper,some scholars views on the role of government in the development of pension services are reviewed,and problems in the supply of old-age service in Hunan are analyzed.We think that Hunan old-age service industry has many problems in the supply subject,the supply distribution,the supply content,the supply way and the supply ability.The government should determine the function in the development of old-age service,guide the diversity of the supply subject,improve the supply mode and supply quality and solve the social problems caused by old aging population.

    • On China Studies in Top 30 Universities in the United States

      2017, 44(4):95-104.

      Abstract (780) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (870) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research interests of the Faculty of East Asian Studies in top 30 universities in the United States are categorized as China Studies,Japan Studies,South Korea Studies according to the results of the survey and the analysis of the current China studies in these universities.Among them,the scholars of China Studies almost account for the same percentage as those of Japan Studies,but potentially,more scholars will devote themselves to China Studies.Generally,they were graduated from universities in Mainland China,and got their Ph.D.from the United States,especially from Harvard University.Besides,China Studies in the Faculty of East Asia Studies has been categorized into three parts as ancient China Studies,Modern and Contemporary China Studies and Chinese Teaching.

    • Chinese American Literary Criticism as World Literary Studies

      2017, 44(4):105-112.

      Abstract (819) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since Chinese American Literary Studies arose in the context of American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s,the research from both Chinese and American scholars has presented the particular contradiction between “national perspective” and“world imagination”.The rethinking of world literary topics and construction of world literary theories in Western comparative literary academia in the twenty-first century could serve as the new repository of enlightening Chinese American literary studies,which are in favor of the fulfillment of world cultural potential embodied in Chinese American literature and overcoming the logical confusion of national and world discourses manifested by Chinese American literary criticism.

    • A Feast of Textuality:Innovations and Pivots in Literary Studies of Contemporary American Sinology

      2017, 44(4):113-117.

      Abstract (961) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (748) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study of modern Chinese literature in the United States starts with C.T.Hsias monograph A History of Modern Chinese Fiction and continues through the efforts of scholars such as Leo Ou-fan Lee,Julia Lin,who have established modern Chinese literature as a “legitimate” field of inquiry in American Sinology.Since the 1980s,the field has gone through periods of rapid growth during which a new generation of scholars,benefiting from the explosion of Theory and its expanded notion of textuality in particular,have made significant advances in the understanding of modern and contemporary Chinese literature writers and their works.

    • On the Ideological Traits of Wang Yangmings Philosophy of Mind from the Differentiation of Confucianism and Buddhism

      2017, 44(4):118-125.

      Abstract (685) HTML (0) PDF 2.62 M (626) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wang Yangmings philosophy of mind cannot be simply defined as pure Confucianism or doctrine of Zen Buddhism,because it is a separate system which absorbed different theories to have its own characteristics,revealing the great wisdom beyond time and space.Wang Yangmings differentiation of Confucianism and Buddhism is a judgment and summary of both Confucianism and Buddhism.He argued that Confucianism had an utilitarian tendency and Buddhism was lack of ethical and political responsibility.Therefore,Wang Yangmings study of conscience is mainly Confucianism with having(you),adapting the emptiness of Buddhism and the void of Laozis immortal theory.All of the holy learning is the real orthodoxy of Wang Yangmings philosophy of mind,which reflects the true spirit of his mind doctrine.

    • The Complex Logic to Migrants Integrating to Urban Life

      2017, 44(4):126-132.

      Abstract (719) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Migration in Urban China is facing double complex evolutions logic from structure restriction and self-selections.With 4 databases,and viewing the politics system,market system,and urban society as structural elements,the practical logics between the “structure restriction and personal selection” has been found in the following:1)Structural levels from politics,markets and urban society are not integrated well,especially the market system is blocking the migration people into urban.2) Most migrant population noticed exclusion from market and not perceived the possible repulsion from policies and urban people.3) There are a number of factors promoting migration to integrate into cities,such as female,higher edcation,good family income,married state,a spouse who is urban,less life pressure,more acquaintance to law and norm and modern orgnizations,harmony society and identifcation with mainstream culture.

    • The Reconstruction of Rituals of the Traditional Festivals in Contemporary Chinese Life

      2017, 44(4):133-136.

      Abstract (750) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chinese traditional festivals have complete festival rituals.However,due to historical and social reasons and the like,the rituals in the traditional festivals are simplified,and some of them are even forgotten.The absence of rituals is the loss of tradition and the loss of the way of life.The restoration and reconstruction of rituals involves different aspects including completeness,innovation,mass media and state dissemination.The reconstruction of rituals is the reconstruction of public life.And the protection of rituals means the protection of traditional festivals.

    • Genuine Knowing on the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu

      2017, 44(4):137-140.

      Abstract (782) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genuine knowing of Chuang Tzu,which constructs the mail content of his philosophy,is in fact the Tao(Dao).Tao of Chuang Tzu comes from both life practice and minds of people,which contains all of his thoughts about practice and knowledge.Also,stratification is a distinct characteristic of the Tao of Chuang Tzu.

    • Analysis of the Right to Be Forgotten

      2017, 44(4):141-145.

      Abstract (567) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:“Gonzales v.Google case” decision making in the early forms of rights in Europe “right to be forgotten” became an official right in the network society,but also in the judicial practice is the civil right of operation.By exploring the history of “the right to be forgotten”,and the relevant laws at home and abroad are compared,the purpose is to provide an idea for the exploration of the localization path of the right to be forgotten.

    • Problems and Trend of American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

      2017, 44(4):146-154.

      Abstract (495) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the first anti-foreign corruption law in the world,American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has changed from being relaxed to being aggressively enforced.Some problems such as being short of judicial review,being against the fairness and justice and being against the legislative origin have occurred during the enforcement.The American authority and academic circles have been aware of the problems and have discussed a lot about it.

    • On the Legal Basis of the Right to Gene

      2017, 44(4):155-160.

      Abstract (579) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The right of gene is a basic right produced by gene.It is very necessary to study the hidden value and the support of the right of gene in order to cherish and protect the gene rights.It commences an undertaking in the science and technology,originates from the guarantee to human nature digni-ty;The appeal of gene interest is the basis of gene rights;it is on the people to human dignity protection,interests of gene and gene technology for human rights impact produced the gene privacy right and right of genetic equality,gene informed right,personality right of genes,gene property right,namely,the right of gene.

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