2023, 50(10):20-30.
Abstract:To restrain the strong galloping and the discharge of transmission line for the overhead contact system (OCS ) positive feeder of the Lanzhou-Urumqi high-speed railway under strong wind environment, a new type of insulation and anti-galloping device is proposed based on the OCS structure and the galloping characteristic of the positive feeder, its insulation layer thickness can improve the insulation margin between the line, and the spoiler can change the overall aerodynamic characteristics of the line. The aerodynamic characteristic and galloping response of the positive feeder before and after installation of the anti-galloping device at different wind speed is analyzed by simulation, and the anti-galloping effect of the device under the influence of different coverage rate, spoiler heights, and insulation layer thicknesses parameters is studied, finally, the electric field characteristic of the new insulation and the anti-galloping device is analyzed. The results show that the installation of new insulate anti-galloping devices has an anti-galloping effect, and the higher the coverage rates, the more significant of anti-galloping effect. After the installation of the four sections, the maximum vertical and horizontal galloping amplitude declined by 57.76% and 54.68%, respectively. The device with a higher spoiler section of 75% outer diameter and 3 mm insulation layer thickness has a more obvious anti-galloping effect. The maximum field intensity on the surface of the positive feeder is reduced by 52.96%, and the average field intensity around the 4 mm circle from the positive feeder is reduced by 36.71% after the installation of the device. The research results can provide a reasonable and effective anti-galloping design for the galloping of the OCS positive feeder and other overhead transmission lines in the strong wind section of the Lanzhou-Urumqi high-speed railway.